Warlord Games
Aztec Quetzalcoatl
Aztec Quetzalcoatl
Quetzalcoatl \'kwets-əl-kō-ä-tu̇l\– The ‘serpent of precious feathers’ is deified by the Aztecs as a god of the wind. This powerful monstrosity fights alongside an Aztec warband, lending its considerable magical might and ferocious combat abilities to those who worship it.
Unlike other monstrosities, the Quetzalcoatl is a powerful spellcaster. With special rules of Fast and Flies, the winged serpent can move around the field with ease and reach most parts of the battlefield with its spellcasting ability. The Quetzalcoatl’s multiple melee attacks, high stats and Venomous ability makes the Quetzalcoatl a force to be feared in melee as well.
Box also contains two specific blessings cards and an Aztec magic deck.
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